Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reading Problems in Kids - How to Spot Reading Problems Early and What to Do About It

High School Football Scores - Reading Problems in Kids - How to Spot Reading Problems Early and What to Do About It
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The biggest mistake parents make with their kid's reading is not trusting their gut if they theorize there is a problem.

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How is Reading Problems in Kids - How to Spot Reading Problems Early and What to Do About It

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from High School Football Scores.

I made this mistake and I'm considered to make sure other parents don't make it too. 

So based on my experience, interviews with other parents, and with literacy professionals, I've put together clues on how to spot reading problems early and steps to take to confirm if there is a problem. 

Did you know that up to 20% of kids have dyslexia (a mystery studying to read)? Yet most teachers aren't trained on how to teach kids with reading problems.

It's often up to parents to spot reading problems in their kids. And the sooner problems are spotted and remediated, the great for the kid's education, self esteem and future. 

When my son was in second grade, he quietly started refusing to do his schoolwork in class. He wasn't naughty or disruptive, he just wouldn't do it. 

I plan he might have issues with authority or something so off we went to a child psychologist. We put together an incentive schedule to motivate him to do his work and he did. 

Between first and third grades, I'd had concerns about his literacy - especially his writing and spelling. I'd met with his teachers numerous times asking about his literacy and was repeatedly told that he was fine. 

In third grade, he did the mandatory basic skills testing and the results confirmed that all was not fine. 

I was admittedly upset. 

I wasn't upset with him. Or even the teachers. I was upset with myself. Because I'd known in my gut that something wasn't right. I just hadn't known how to confirm it. I think I had wanted to believe he was just a reluctant reader. 

So I ultimately had confirmation that there was a problem, but I still didn't know what to do about it. We went to a national tutoring firm for an estimate and to start small group tutoring. 

At the same time, our son had also been having outbursts of anger. So we went to a new child psychologist.   It was her work that considered the source of his anger was a studying difficulty. (Kids who are admittedly exciting but have studying difficulties can get very frustrated because they don't understand why they can't do the work other kids are doing).

We found a healthful literacy tutor to do a standard estimate and he began 1:1 tutoring for his specific difficulty. (The national tutoring firm we had been using was fine for tutoring gaps in knowledge but not trained to remediate reading difficulties!)  ultimately we had the help we needed and it worked. 

The feel we had with our first son helped immeasurably with assisting our second son whose reading problems are more severe. 

So here's what I've learned: 

Clues to Help Parents Spot Reading Problems Early
Do the home reading each night with your kids. If you don't see a steady advancement in reader levels, talk to the teacher. Attitude - What is your kid's attitude towards reading? Is it negative? Does your kid read for fun? Does she excitedly bring home books from the library and then stop after a few pages? Does he complain of his eyes or tummy hurting or being tired when it's time to read? Behavior - Is your child exhibiting behavior problems? Kids can act up or withdraw to thwart attention from their reading problems (subconsciously of course!). Our older son had a lot of anger. Our younger son went straight through full assessments for Adhd but his behavior stemmed from audio processing and dyslexia. family history -  Look at family history. Is there a history of studying difficulties or dyslexia in the family? Don't just look at yourselves as parents. Look at uncles, aunts, grandparents and cousins. Trust your gut! If you think there is a problem, but everybody is saying things are fine, it's worth investigating further for your own peace of mind.
4 Things to do if You Think Your Kid has a Reading problem but You're Not Sure
Talk to the trainer - The first step is to talk to the teacher, but don't stop there. Many teachers have puny training on dealing with studying difficulties.  Get your kid's hearing and eyes checked. Literacy estimate - My strongest advice is to get an independent literacy estimate done. They aren't cheap, but if you get the right estimate done early, you will save so much time and money in the long run. And most importantly, if your child does have a studying difficulty, she can be helped before her behavior and self esteem suffer more. So where do you go? Not all tutoring companies furnish assessments that can identify a studying difficulty. In fact, many national companies are great for tutoring gaps in studying but not at identifying a studying difficulty. So go to companies that have master literacy resources and remediation for kids with dyslexia.  Don't be afraid to ask questions. Embrace the information, don't resist it. It took me a while to accept that my children had reading difficulties and that delayed me getting more informed.  I've spoken to scores of other parents who felt the same way.  It can be hard to accept "reading difficulty" or "dyslexia" as a "label". But denial won't help your kid. Information and the definite remediation will.
I've seen the impact of reading problems on behavior and self esteem first hand. I've known the frustrations of not knowing what to do for my sons. And I've talked to scores of other parents who've had the same experiences I've had.  Trust your gut! If you're concerned about your child's reading, have him assessed. There are frightful healthful resources available and they work.

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