Do you know about - History of Basketball
High School Football Scores! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.Mention basketball and great players like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal immediately come to mind. But few remember the man who started it all - Dr. James Naismith of Canada.
What I said. It isn't outcome that the true about High School Football Scores. You read this article for information about what you need to know is High School Football Scores.How is History of Basketball
Naismith was born in Almonte, Ontario in 1861 and was educated at McGill University in Montreal where he later served as its athletic director. In 1890, he moved to America and taught corporeal study at Springfield College (then called the Young Men's Christian relationship Training School) in Springfield, Massachusetts.
During his stint there, he tried to find distinct ways to keep rowdy students occupied and fit during the harsh New England winter. What he wanted was a good game that could be played indoors and would give the boys a great workout as well. Dr. Luther Gulick, head of corporeal study at the School for Christian Workers, gave Naismith 14 days to create such a game.
After testing some ideas, Naismith remembered a game he used to play as a child called "Duck on a Rock." The object of that medieval game was to throw small rocks at a duck placed on top of a large rock which was guarded by one person. That became the basis of "Basket Ball" (initially written as two words) which Naismith invented in 1891.
"In his effort to think up a new game, Naismith was guided by three main thoughts. Firstly, he analyzed the most favorite games of those times (rugby, lacrosse, soccer, football, hockey and baseball); Naismith noticed the hazards of a small fast ball and closed that the big soft soccer ball was safest. Secondly, he saw that most corporeal sense occurred while running with the ball, dribbling or hitting it so he decided that passing was the only legal option," according to the editors of Wikipedia.
Naismith wanted to get away from the game being a full-contact sport so he raised the goal up above the players' heads thus eliminating the need for a guard. He also required the players to lob the ball - much like the duck game - in order to score points. Finally, he placed on 13 basic rules to play the game.
The first basketball game was played in December 1891 and was distinct from the sport we know today. Each team had nine members, a soccer ball was used and peach baskets affixed to ten-foot high railings served as the goals,
The baskets retained their lowest parts so the ball had to be removed every time a flourishing shot was made. Later, holes were drilled in the baskets so the ball could be retrieved with a long cylindrical rod. Players didn't dribble the ball at that time; they ran with it and tossed it over their heads to pass it to other players.
In 1893, Naismith replaced the peach baskets with metal hoops that had hammock-style baskets. But ten years passed before open-ended nets that allowed the ball to pass straight through were used.
Today, basketball remains one of the most favorite sports in the world and basketball players are among the most favorite and highest-paid athletes in America. The sport has millions of followers and is enjoyed by citizen from all walks of life. Thanks to Naismith, basketball is here to stay.
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